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Brand, Chad Owen, editor


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Perspectives on Election - 5 Views

Perspectives on Election presents in counterpoint form five basic common beliefs on the doctrine of spiritual election (for example, predestination) that have developed over the course of church history with a view toward determining which is most faithful to Scripture. Each chapter is written by a prominent person within each tradition, and each writer has the opportunity to respond to each differing view.

Bruce Ware - "Divine Election to Salvation"
Jack Cottrell - "The Classical Arminian View of Election"
Robert Reymond (PCA) - "A Consistent Supralapsarian Perspective"
Thomas Talbott - "Universal Reconciliation and the Inclusive Nature of Election"
Clark Pinnock - "Divine Election as Corporate, Open, and Vocational"
Publisher: Broadman & Holman
ISBN: 9780805427295
Item #: 13130
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 10
Page Count: 352
Publication Date: 2006

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