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Christ and Covenant Theology: Essays on Election, Republication, and the Covenants

Cornelis P. Venema

This collection of Venema’s essays summarizes and defends a broad consensus view of the doctrine of the covenants in the history of Reformed theology and clarifies several areas of dispute.

Venema argues that (1) the distinction between a pre-fall covenant of works and a post-fall covenant of grace is an integral feature of a biblical and confessionally Reformed understanding of the history of redemption; (2) the distinction between a pre-fall covenant of works and a post-fall covenant of grace is necessary to preserve the sheer graciousness of God’s redemption in Jesus Christ; and (3) the doctrines of covenant and election are corollary doctrines, not opposed to each other, but mutually defining.

Cornelis P. Venema (Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary) is president of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, where he is also professor of doctrinal studies.
Publisher: P&R
ISBN: 9781629952512
Item #: 13686
Binding: Paper
Page Count: 496
Publication Date: 2017

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