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Hinged: Vitally Connected to Christ and His Church (Ephesians)

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Hinged: Vitally Connected to Christ and His Church
A 12-week Bible Study on the book of Ephesians

We are better together. I think we are more effective at seeking to learn and apply the gospel in the context of community. This study is a collaborative effort written by a unified yet diverse group of nine women from our National Women’s Ministry Team. They live in different parts of the country. They are of different ages and races. They have unique faith stories. The churches they attend range in size from under 100 to several thousand. It is a love for Christ and His Church that unites them. The book also contains 12 unique stories from women just like you who are seeking to apply the truth of God’s Word right where they live. And when you add up these 20 women you see a picture of the Bride...and she is radiant!

Authors: Rachel Craddock, Christina Fox, Karen Hodge, Paula Miles, Connie Miller, Shea Patrick, Lisa Tarplee, Ronjanett Taylor, and Susan Tyner

This study also has a digital Leader’s and Discussion Guide for purchase at
Publisher: CDM
ISBN: 9781944964474
Item #: 14800
Binding: Coil Binding
Chapters: 12
Page Count: 210
Publication Date: 2020

Customer Reviews

(3.00)stars out of 5
# of Ratings: 1
1. on 2/23/2022, said:
3 stars out of 5
While the content was biblical, the daily lessons were very long -- so much scripture to look up. While that's not such a bad thing, many of the daily studies took me a couple hours to do, which was a lot of work on top of my other committed daily devotionals and Bible readings. Even the videos were very long to view for our weekly study. It was just hard to get everything done. At the group study our discussion time could not include all of our weekly study book questions but had to be be condensed in order to be done in 2 hours. This is just way too long for busy, working moms on a weeknight. Some of our participants stopped coming altogether, which may have been due to the crammed content. It's so hard to keep people committed, and it doesn't help when they feel discouraged when they can't get it all done. Paul didn't make his letter to the Ephesians easy for us to understand, and I had hoped Hinged would have been better but I ended up being somewhat disappointed as I went through this study.
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