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Basic Bible Atlas

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The Basic Bible Atlas - A Fascinating Guide to the Land of the Bible
by: John A. Beck

The Bible tells the story of God meeting real people in a real time and place, yet we rarely wonder, Why there? Maybe we have a hard time even picturing where there is. To begin to fully understand the Bible, we must understand the geographical settings of Scripture and how each place participates in the biblical story. With its colorful maps and illustrations, The Basic Bible Atlas helps us do just that, so we can appreciate how place impacted events in the Bible. From Eden to Egypt, from the promised land to Persia, from Bethlehem to the new Jerusalem, The Basic Bible Atlas is your ticket to explore the land of the Bible as never before.

John A. Beck (PhD, Trinity International University) has taught courses in Hebrew and Old Testament for more than twenty-five years, many of those years teaching field studies in Israel, Jordan, and Egypt.
Publisher: Baker
ISBN: 9780801077906
Item #: 14875
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 10
Page Count: 176
Publication Date: 2020

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