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Sexual Intimacy in Marriage

Sexual Intimacy in Marriage

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Sexual Intimacy in Marriage
Author: William Cutrer & Sandra Glahn

Every couple has those questions they don't know how or whom to ask! Sexual Intimacy in Marriage discusses the basics, like the definition of marriage, and the not-so-basic topics, such as achieving sexual pleasure and biblically "OK" sexual activity. It addresses real people in the real world--without compromising God's wonderful purpose and design for his gift of sex.

This highly acclaimed, medically and biblically accurate book extensively covers sex in marriage with a sensitivity and frankness that every couple will appreciate. With over 100,000 copies in print, and now in its fourth edition, this best-selling biblically based book for nearly-weds, newly-weds, and truly-weds is the gold standard for Christian intimacy guides.

William Cutrer, M.D., (1951–2013) was a recognized expert in reproductive technology and medical ethics. A licensed obstetrician/gynecologist who specialized in the treatment of infertility for more than fifteen years, he also held a graduate degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and was an ordained minister.

Sandra Glahn, Th.M., PhD, is a professor in Media Arts/Worship and pastoral ministries at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Publisher: Kregel
ISBN: 9780825445217
Item #: 14897
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 20
Page Count: 384
Publication Date: 2020

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