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Cost of Cheap Grace, The

Cost of Cheap Grace, The

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
The Cost of Cheap Grace - Reclaiming the Value of Discipleship
by Bill Hull and Brandon Cook
At the most basic level, a Christian is a disciple of Jesus Christ. And yet many Christians today couldn’t tell you what a disciple of Jesus Christ is, or would even think of themselves as disciples. And yet in the Great Commission, Jesus specifically called us to make disciples. Everything else is secondary.

The Cost of Cheap Grace is an extended, sweeping, bold, and bracing call to repentance for where we’ve let secondary things subvert our commitment to discipleship, and a compelling vision for discipleship as the basis of the gospel in all its world-changing, subversive power.

Bill Hull is the author of several books, the founder of Bill Hull Ministries, and the cofounder of the Bonhoeffer Project.
Brandon Cook is the pastor of vision and teaching at Long Beach Christian Fellowship and the cofounder of the Bonhoeffer Project.
Publisher: Tyndale
ISBN: 9781641581462
Item #: 14937
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 7
Page Count: 256
Publication Date: 2020

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