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Chronic Illness - Walking by Faith, 31-Day Devotional

Chronic Illness - Walking by Faith, 31-Day Devotional

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Chronic Illness - Walking by Faith, 31-Day Devotionals for Life
Esther Smith

Is chronic illness taking over your heart as much as your body? Physical symptoms and limitations change all aspects of life, leading to losses and to unique challenges that are difficult to navigate. Writing from her own experience with these issues, Esther Smith focuses heavily on encouragement and practical application, showing you how to release guilt and shame, ask for help, balance work and rest, and get through days of difficult symptoms. Each day, you will be encouraged as you consider how God uses illness in sanctifying, kingdom-advancing ways to display his glory and work in your heart.

Esther Smith (MA in Counseling, Liberty University; Certificate from Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation) is a biblical counselor at Life Counseling Center.
Publisher: P&R
ISBN: 9781629956886
Item #: 14943
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 31
Page Count: 96
Publication Date: 2020

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