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4 Views: Do Christians, Muslims, and Jews Worship the Same God?

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
by Wm. Andrew Schwartz, Jr. Cobb John B., Francis J. Beckwith, Gerald R McDermott, Jerry Walls, Joseph Cumming, David W. Shenk, Ronnie Campbell, Christopher Gnanakan, Stanley N. Gundry

During a time of global conflict, the theological question of whether Muslims, Jews, and Christians worship the same God carries political baggage. Is the God of ISIS the same as the God of Israel? Do Sunni Muslims and Protestant Christians pray to the same Creator and Sustainer of the universe?

In this Counterpoints volume, edited by Ronnie P. Campbell, Jr., and Christopher Gnanakan, five leading scholars present the main religious perspectives on this question, demonstrating how to think carefully about an issue where opinions differ and confusion abounds. They examine related subtopics such as the difference between God being referentially the same and essentially the same, what "the same" means when referring to God, the significance of the Trinity in this discussion, whether religious inclusivism is inferred by certain understandings of God's sameness, and the appropriateness of interfaith worship.
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310538035
Item #: 14957
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 6
Page Count: 240
Publication Date: 2019

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