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Case for Biblical Archaeology

Case for Biblical Archaeology

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
For many today, history holds little application to modern existence, and so we are both biblically and historically uninformed. Biblical archaeology—the systematic study of the material remains of human behavior in biblical history—provides a helpful corrective on those two fronts. In this full-color handbook, archaeologist and professor John D. Currid shows how his field of study plays its part in restoring our understanding of ancient life and events.

With the aid of photographs, maps, charts, and study questions, you will

gain overview of the geography of the land of the Bible;
take a tour through archaeological sites throughout the land;
learn about discoveries in agriculture, architecture, ceramics, burial practices, and more.

John D. Currid (PhD, University of Chicago) is Chancellor’s Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary. He has held expedition staff positions at Bethsaida, Carthage, Tell el-Hesi, and elsewhere and served as the director of the Tell Halif (Lahav) Grain Storage Project.
Publisher: P&R
ISBN: 9781629953601
Item #: 15026
Binding: Paper
Page Count: 288
Publication Date: 2020

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