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The Beginning: A Second Look at the First Sin

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Beginning: A Second Look at the First Sin
by AD Bauer - PCA

The inconsistencies in the traditional interpretation have been observed and commented on by many. Alternative views have been presented that have suggested that the Genesis account is mythological and intended as a metaphor. What is unique about The Beginning is that it addresses the inconsistencies in the traditional interpretation and offers a different way of understanding the biblical account while maintaining the historicity of the account and offering solutions in a theologically orthodox framework.

The Beginning presents a helpful discussion of infant salvation that clarifies the theological basis for the salvation of infants that die in their infancy. While it is widely accepted that infants are saved, some who think theologically are uncertain of how infants can be saved. The theological explanation provides clarity and comfort to those who doubt. The final chapter of the book addresses the difficult issue of a woman’s role based on the events in the Genesis account. Bauer’s interpretation is not derivative from any of the primary contemporary views but comes from his careful study of the Genesis and other passages in context leading to more of a middle way.

A. D. Bauer is a graduate of Gordon Conwell Seminary. He was ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America and pastored a small country church. He has served in the Reformed Episcopal Church and later was a seminary professor in Chesapeake Seminary and New Geneva Seminary.
Publisher: Square Halo Books
ISBN: 9780965879866
Item #: 15041
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 10
Page Count: 327
Publication Date: 2005

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