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ESV Literary Study Bible

ESV Literary Study Bible

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    ESV Literary Study Bible

    In order to understand the content of the Bible, readers first need to understand how the content is expressed. The literary forms and features of the Bible are a crucial part of understanding the Bible’s message—both for its original audience and for readers today. Compared to conventional study Bibles that answer the what of a passage, the ESV Literary Study Bible guides readers through the Bible text, showing how to read the passage. Combining over 1,200 insightful notes with the complete ESV Bible text, this volume highlights literary features such as genre, images, plot, setting, stylistic and rhetorical techniques, and artistry so readers can more richly understand the unity, flow, and profound depth of the biblical text. First published in 2007, the ESV Literary Study Bible has been refreshed with an all-new typesetting while retaining all the same content that helps readers discover and teach the message of the Bible embodied in its literary forms and features.

    1,200+ study notes focusing on the literary elements of passages throughout the Bible
    General introduction to the Bible’s literary features
    Introductions to each book of the Bible
    Smyth-sewn binding
    Publisher: Crossway
    ISBN: 9781433568718
    Item #: 15085
    Binding: Hardback
    Chapters: 66
    Page Count: 2032
    Publication Date: 2020

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