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Engaging with Mormons

Engaging with Mormons

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Engaging with Mormons - Understanding Their World; Sharing Good News
Corey Miller

This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches to understand more about the beliefs, mindset, and motivations of those who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons), and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel.

Written at a level that everyone can understand, this book emphasizes the importance of forming loving, honest, and open relationships as part of the way we engage with our Mormon friends and neighbors, and with those who may come knocking at our doors.

Corey Miller grew up in Utah as a seventh-generation Mormon, before coming to Christ as a teenager. Having taught comparative religions for years at Indiana University, he is CEO of Ratio Christi (, an apologetics campus ministry. He has a PhD in philosophical theology from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Publisher: The Good Book Company
ISBN: 9781784984618
Item #: 15171
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 8
Page Count: 128
Publication Date: 2020

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