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Ezra - Nehemiah - NIV Application Commentary

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EZRA-NEHEMIAH - The NIV Application Commentary Series
by Donna Petter, Thomas Petter

Ezra-Nehemiah chronicles the return of the exiles to Jerusalem during the Persian Period. Empowered by the Persian authorities, Ezra and Nehemiah came on the scene in Jerusalem to restore the worship of the "God of Heaven" and the sanctity of Zion and His people. God's sovereignty over temporal powers, confession of sin and repentance, and worship according to Yahweh's holiness undergird the account. In the face of tremendous odds, opposition and betrayal, both Ezra and Nehemiah displayed selflessness and devotion by following their calling and trusting God's plan. In the commentary, Donna and Thomas Petter lead us through this narrative of restoration and help us discover how to apply Scripture to our lives today.

Donna Petter is associate Professor of OT and director of the Hebrew Language Program at Gordon-Conwell Seminary.

Thomas Petter is senior pastor of Trinitarian Congregational Church and associate professor of OT at Gordon Convell Seminary.
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310225430
Item #: 15219
Binding: Hardback
Page Count: 512
Publication Date: 2021

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