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Drama of Discipleship

Drama of Discipleship

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
The Drama of Discipleship
by Gregory R. Perry - PCA

How do Christ’s followers reach across the dividing lines of our culture to offer hospitality and hope? How do local congregations worship God faithfully on Sunday and bear witness to their neighbors with fitting words and deeds during the week?
Christ has called his people to follow the ways of his kingdom in their homes, workplaces, schools, churches, and neighborhoods. The Drama of Discipleship is a resource for being and making disciples of Jesus in the everyday tasks of being human.
Each episode offers at least one group activity that is designed to catalyze group action on your local stage and build your congregation's practice of taking off the old ways of being human and putting on the true image of God—Christ. The Drama concludes with additional tools for those who lead small groups in the heartwork of discipleship, as well as a neighborhood survey for those who lead congregations in the fieldwork of discipling the nations.

Gregory R. Perry is an ordained minister and seminary professor, who has one foot in the local parish and one foot in the academy. For fourteen years, he served on the New Testament faculty of Covenant Seminary, where he directed the City Ministry Initiative. Currently, Greg serves on the faculty of the Missional Training Center in Phoenix, and as President of Thirdmill Seminary, an academic partner in the Thirdmill Global Network.
Publisher: Cascade Books
ISBN: 9781666704150
Item #: 15656
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 6
Page Count: 206
Publication Date: 2022

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