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Engaging Generation Z - Raising the Bar for Youth Ministry

Engaging Generation Z - Raising the Bar for Youth Ministry

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Engaging Generation Z - Raising the Bar for Youth Ministry
Author: Tim McKnight

To disciple the youth in our student ministries today, we have to understand the unique characteristics of Generation Z, and apply lessons learned from recent decades of youth ministry. In this thoroughly revised second edition of Raising the Bar: Student Ministry for a New Generation, pastor and professor Timothy McKnight brings a wealth of new insights, resources, and guidance for reaching today's adolescents.

Following an overview of the beliefs, attitudes, and practices of Generation Z, McKnight provides youth pastors and volunteers with a complete plan for discipling adolescents through the local church. This includes practical advice on topics such as:

Engaging parents in youth ministry
Holistically guiding students in their beliefs, behavior, and affections
Equipping adult leaders who can serve as role models
Working with pastors, staff, and church leaders
Helping parents develop rites of passage for their children as they move into adulthood
Raising expectations for adolescents to encourage them to grow toward maturity

Tim McKnight received his Ph.D. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the Director of the Global Center for Youth Ministry and Associate Professor of Youth Ministry and Missions at the Clamp Divinity School of Anderson University.
Publisher: Kregel
ISBN: 9780825445934
Item #: 15727
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 13
Page Count: 192
Publication Date: 2021

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