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A Praying Church

A Praying Church

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
A Praying Church: Becoming a People of Hope in a Discouraging World
By Paul E. Miller

In our current culture, the church and prayer are often dismissed as irrelevant. But when believers gather and pray together, powerful things happen: the Spirit equips the saints for ministry, the helpless are met with help, and believers experience the joy of being led by the Spirit of Jesus. In this book, Paul E. Miller, bestselling author of A Praying Life, casts a vision for a return to the simple yet life-changing practice of praying together.

Through personal stories and biblical examples, Miller teaches the why, what, and how of praying together. Readers will learn how praying with other Christians can transform their communities into beacons of hope and be given practical strategies—such as finding a prayer partner and prioritizing a structured prayer time—to implement these changes in their own church.

Ideal for Group Study: Small groups, Sunday school classes, and others will find helpful strategies to think through and discuss
Engaging and Personal: Features real life stories, word pictures, and charts to help readers understand the content
“A Word to Pastors”: Miller closes several chapters with thoughtful reflections specifically for church leaders
Foreword by

Dane C. Ortlund: Author of the bestselling book, Gentle and Lowly, who praises A Praying Church, calling it “winsome and compelling”

Paul E. Miller (MDiv, Biblical Seminary) is executive director of seeJesus, a global discipling mission that mentors through seminars, cohorts, and interactive Bible studies.
Publisher: Crossway
ISBN: 9781433561641
Item #: 15798
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 25
Page Count: 304
Publication Date: 2023

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