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Chosen-Called-Kept - Synod of Dort

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CHOSEN - CALLED - KEPT: The Conclusions of the Synod of Dort Translated and arranged for prayerful reflection and study
by CWH Griffiths

“Chosen Called Kept is a helpful resource for meditating on the biblical truths of salvation by grace alone. For centuries, Christians have looked to the Canons of Dort, prepared by an international gathering of Reformed theologians, for a clear and balanced view of salvation. But some modern readers feel like these theologians wrote the Canons in complex Latin sentences. This book presents a modern English translation arranged line by line to allow modern readers to concentrate on one phrase at a time while seeing it in relation to the whole chain of thought. The resulting clarity, combined with suggested Scripture readings, makes this book ideal for personal or family devotion.”
--Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan

This is a new translation of the Canons of the Synod of Dort from the original Latin.
Publisher: Pearl Publications
ISBN: 9781901397017
Item #: 15943
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 5
Page Count: 109
Publication Date: 2022

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