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Formation of the Bible

Formation of the Bible

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Formation of the Bible - The Story of the Church’s Canon, Second Edition
by Lee M. McDonald

Carefully documented and written in sterling prose, Lee Martin McDonald uses a lifetime of scholarship to tell one of history’s most remarkable stories—the story of the Judeo-Christian Bible. From the ancient texts of the Pentateuch, to the development of the LXX, to the Dead Sea Scrolls, to the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament, McDonald’s work educates, enriches, and edifies. Highly recommended.
This second edition includes charts with more precise dating, interactions with recent scholarship that elucidates the historical context of the relevant ancient literature, a new chapter on ancient pseudepigrapha in Judaism and early Christianity, and a bibliography bolstered by the addition of new and helpful resources for further study of canon formation.
Publisher: Hendrickson
ISBN: 9781496484840
Item #: 16072
Chapters: 9
Page Count: 243
Publication Date: 2023

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