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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
By Glenn Sunshine-- How have we come to our world views, and what influence did Christianity have on those that are common to Western civilization? In this accessible survey, Why You Think the Way You Do: The Story of Western World Views from Rome to HomeGlenn Sunshine traces the development of the world views that underpin the Western world.

He demonstrates the decisive effect the growth of Christianity had in transforming the outlook of Pagan Roman culture into one that, based on biblical concepts of humanity and its relationship with god, established virtually all the positive aspects of Western civilization.

Unique among books on the topic, this book, discusses Western worldviews as a continuous narrative rather than simply as a catalogue of ideas and traces the effects changes in worldview had on society. It helps readers understand their own worldviews and those of other people and helps them recognize the consequences that worldviews hold.
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310292302
Item #: 9662
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 11
Page Count: 208
Publication Date: 2009

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