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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
The book of Revelation is God's final word to the church, a mighty unveiling of things He wants the church to know in language and forms which dazzle and frequently shock. Perhaps for this reason, many Christians find Revelation intimidating.

Derek Thomas writes to dispel some of this fear. He shows that Revelation is above all a book about Jesus Christ. While intended to humble us by a vision of the absolute sovereignty of God over all events, past, present and future, it is also meant to comfort us in times of trouble with the knowledge of Christ's ultimate victory.

Derek Thomas guides us through the series of seven amazing visions which show the outworking of the words of Jesus to Peter: "I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." The whole unfolding Let's Study series is a must for every Christian home that is serious about getting to know the Word.
Publisher: Banner of Truth
ISBN: 9780851518275
Item #: 9787
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 19
Page Count: 206
Publication Date: 2003

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