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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
English Puritanism and Scottish Presbyterianism in the seventeenth century had many bright and shining lights. Of these, James Durham (1622–1658) ranks alongside the greatest for his theological depth, for his faithful preaching, and particularly for his moderate spirit at a time of great controversy. James Walker commented: “No Scotchman of that age was more profoundly venerated.” Durham, whose father and grandfather served the king as Clerk of Exchequer, was seemingly destined to the life of a Scottish laird, yet through several remarkable providences he came to study for the ministry under David Dickson and did so well that he could have served as a professor of divinity in any university. Yet Durham’s brief ministry was spent for the most part preaching in the Inner Kirk of Glasgow Cathedral. He came to excel in “case divinity” or “cases of conscience,” and it was thought that he poured so much of himself into his preparations that it brought about his early death.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage
ISBN: 9781601785565
Item #: 13781
Binding: Hardback
Chapters: 133
Page Count: 1800
Publication Date: 2017

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