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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
A Pair of Miracles - A Story of Autism, Faith, and Determined Parenting

Karla Akins

When Karla Akins hoped that her autistic sons could learn to read and function independently, doctors warned her that those expectations would never be met. She set out to prove that, despite those warnings, all things are possible through God.

Laced with humor and compassion, A Pair of Miracles is the heartwarming story of her journey rearing adopted twin sons, each diagnosed with autism and fetal alcohol disorder. This is more than a moving biography from a mom on the front lines, however. It is a powerful tool, full of practical help for parents, educators, and church members working with children who have intellectual disabilities, speech impairments, and other limitations on the autism spectrum. It is also a challenge to the church to welcome and celebrate all the members of their congregation, no matter their abilities.
Publisher: Kregel
ISBN: 9780825444845
Item #: 13905
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 20
Page Count: 224
Publication Date: 2017

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