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Contending for the Faith - Lines in the sand that strengthen the Church

Robert L. Reymond - PCA

Contending for the Faith' offers a selection of Reymond's papers in the areas of Systematic Theology and Apologetics. The one thing these articles generally have in common is their apologetic flavour, that is to say, each in its own way contends for the Biblical and Reformed Faith. Many of these papers have never been previously published.

Robert offers them to a broader readership as they address topics that are, in many cases, being debated within the Church at large today. We are given unique insights into a huge range of subjects from Creation to Lord's Day Observance, from the Trinity to Islam. This is a hugely significant contribution to the defence of the Christian Faith that makes points that are difficult to ignore.

Robert L. Reymond (1932-2013) taught for more than 25 years on the faculties of Covenant Theological Seminary (St. Louis, Missouri) and Knox Theological Seminary (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida). He held degrees from Bob Jones University and did post-doctoral studies at Fuller Seminary, New York University, Union Seminary (New York), Tyndale House, Cambridge, and Rutherford House, Edinburgh.
Publisher: Christian Focus Publication
ISBN: 9781845500450
Item #: 8015
Binding: Paper
Page Count: 448
Publication Date: 2005

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