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Harwood, Adam


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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Infants and Children in the Church - Five Views on Theology and Ministry

A congregation rejoices when a new child is added to its midst, yet the church often wrestles—in both theology and practice—with how to best receive and minister to infants and children entrusted to her care. Frequent questions arise like: How are infants and children impacted by sin? How does God treat people who die in their infancy or childhood? When and how are children considered members of the church? When and how are children instructed in Christian doctrine?

Infants and Children in the Church addresses these critical and sensitive questions from a variety of rich traditions, including Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, and Baptist, so that Christians can make the most of every opportunity as they minister to children.
Publisher: Broadman Academic
ISBN: 9781462751105
Item #: 14175
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 5
Page Count: 323
Publication Date: 2017

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