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Expository Exultation

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Expository Exultation: Christian Preaching as Worship

ohn Piper makes a compelling claim in these pages about the purpose of preaching: it is intended not merely as an explanation of the text but also as a means of awakening worship by being worship in and of itself. Christian preaching is a God-appointed miracle aiming to awaken the supernatural seeing, savoring, and showing of the glory of Christ.

Distilling over forty years of experience in preaching and teaching, Piper shows preachers how and what to communicate from God’s Word, so that God’s purpose on earth will advance through Bible-saturated, Christ-exalting, God-centered preaching—in other words, expository exultation.

John Piper (DTheol, University of Munich) is the founder and teacher of and the chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. He served for thirty-three years as the senior pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Publisher: Crossway
ISBN: 9781433561139
Item #: 14291
Binding: Cloth
Chapters: 21
Page Count: 336
Publication Date: 2018

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