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Dodds, Abigail

(A)Typical Woman: Free, Whole, and called in Christ

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(A)Typical Woman: Free, Whole, and Called in Christ

By Abigail Dodds

In a culture that can belittle womanhood on the one hand making it irrelevant and glorify it on the other"making it everything" it’s hard to know what it really means to be a woman. But when we understand womanhood through the lens of Scripture, we see that we need a bigger category for what God has called "woman."

This book breathes fresh air into our womanhood, reminding us what life in Christ as a woman looks like. When we see that we are women in all we do, we can be at peace with how God has created us, recognizing womanhood as an essential part of Christ’s mission and work.

Abigail Dodds (BA, Bethel University) writes and teaches Bible studies for the women at Bethlehem Baptist Church, where her husband, Tom, serves as an elder. She contributes to and blogs at her personal site,
Publisher: Crossway
ISBN: 9781433562693
Item #: 14471
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 17
Page Count: 160
Publication Date: 2019

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