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Weimer, Bill

Risen Christ - Jesus' Final Words on Earth

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The Risen Christ - Jesus' Final Words on Earth LIFEGUIDE BIBLE STUDIES
by Bill Weimer

Jesus appeared to his fearful and questioning disciples, encouraged them, and gave them his final instructions after his resurrection from the dead. In various settings and at different times, Jesus interacted with many of his followers to show them he was alive. His postresurrection dialogues with these women and men truly are Jesus' last words!

In this eight-session LifeGuide Bible study, you will meet the risen Jesus Christ and hear his words. May he encounter you in your life situations, encourage your faith and trust in him, and excite you about engaging others in discussions about Jesus.

Bill Weimer, a former Navy chaplain, is pastor emeritus of Mariner Sands Chapel in Stuart, Florida.
Publisher: IVP
ISBN: 9780830831166
Item #: 14486
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 8
Page Count: 64
Publication Date: 2019

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