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Newell, Ted

Education: A Student's Guide

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Education: A Student's Guide
By Ted Newell

Education has the power to shape culture through the passing on of traditions, narratives, and values across generations.

Profiling five distinct paradigms of education through different eras in history, this book casts a vision for a renewal of Christian education—essential for bringing hope to our postmodern world. Understanding the role of education in the reformation of societies will enable churches, families, and schools to reclaim their task for the spread of the gospel in our world today.

Ted Newell (EdD, Columbia University; MDiv, Westminster Theological Seminary) is associate professor of education at Crandall University. He previously developed a business curriculum for vocational schools with the Papua New Guinea Department of Education.
Publisher: Crossway
ISBN: 9781433554933
Item #: 14487
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 7
Page Count: 160
Publication Date: 2019

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