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Troxel, A. Craig

What is the Priesthood of Believers?

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What Is the Priesthood of Believers? Basics of the Faith Series
by A. Craig Troxel

The priesthood of all believers is a doctrine with great practical implications for all Christians. Many times, though, it is overlooked when the community of a church downplays the importance of each member’s unique ministry. Many church attendees assume that their pastor has a deeper access to God by virtue of his position (and his “enhanced holiness”), and they understate their own priesthood. Others overstate their personal priesthood, seeing no need for church offices because Christianity is simply between the individual and God. Indeed, the health of the church depends on correctly understanding this encouraging doctrine. Pastor Craig Troxel first lays a foundation on Christ’s priesthood, examining both Christ’s past priestly work at his death and his present priestly work in his intercession for us in heaven. Troxel then charts an approach for living out our own priesthood every day, in whatever work God is calling us to do.

A. Craig Troxel is professor of practical theology at Westminster Seminary California.
Publisher: P&R
ISBN: 9781596389649
Item #: 14514
Binding: Paper
Page Count: 32
Publication Date: 2019

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