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Scoot Over and Make Some Room

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
SCOOT OVER AND MAKE SOME ROOM - Creating Space Where Everyone Belongs
by Heather Avis

Heather Avis has made it her mission to introduce the world to the unique gifts and real-life challenges of those who have been pushed to the edges of society. Mama to three adopted kids - two with Down Syndrome - Heather encourages us all to take a breath, whisper a prayer, laugh a little, and make room for the wildflowers.

Heather tells hilarious stories of her growing kids, spontaneous dance parties, forgotten pants, and navigating the challenges and joys of parenthood. She shares heartbreaking moments when her kids were denied a place at the table and when she had to fight for their voices to be heard. With beautiful wisdom and profound convictions, this manifesto will empower you to notice who's missing in the spaces you live in, to make room for your own kids and for those others who need you and your open heart.

Heather is the author of The Lucky Few and a popular speaker, podcaster, and Instagrammer. She is a wife to her loving and supportive husband, Josh, and mother to Macyn, Truly, and August. They live in Southern California.
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310354833
Item #: 14691
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 15
Page Count: 224
Publication Date: 2019

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