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Journey in Pray - 7 days of praying with Jesus

Journey in Pray - 7 days of praying with Jesus

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
John Smed - PCA

Today's seekers are far more likely to be open to prayer than a traditional gospel presentation. This beautifully designed book is unintimidating, inviting, and effective. It's a seven-day journey through the Lord's prayer. Each day explores a new petition in the Lord's prayer and helps show the reader the prayer's importance and impact. The author offers reflection questions, prayer prompts, and sample prayers to help readers begin and deepen their personal journeys in prayer. It's a perfect resource for anyone exploring the Christian faith or young Christians learning to pray. Plus it works well one-on-one and in small groups.

JOHN SMED is the founding director of Prayer Current, an organization that helps leaders make multiplying disciples through prayer and evangelism. Since 2000 John and his team have developed prayer training materials and conferences for church planters, pastors, and network teams in many countries.
Publisher: Moody Press
ISBN: 9780802419880
Item #: 14996
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 8
Page Count: 220
Publication Date: 2020

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