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Ephesians - Kerux Commentary

Ephesians - Kerux Commentary

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Ephesians - Kerux Commentary Series - A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching

Each volume uniquely combines the insights of an experienced Bible exegete (trained in interpretation) and a homiletician (trained in preaching). These two authors work together to explain the essential message for the original listeners or readers, unpack its timeless truth, and then provide a contemporary restatement and communication insights for the key biblical concept. Every book is a resource designed and written with the real needs of the pastor and teacher always in sight, providing many ways to creatively express the principal thought in a biblical passage.

Based on the Big Idea preaching model, Kerux enhances the reader's ability to deliver a message that is biblical, cohesive, and dynamic.

Gregory S. MaGee (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is associate professor of biblical studies and chair of the Biblical Studies, Christian Ministries, and Philosophy Department at Taylor University.

Jeffrey D. Arthurs (PhD, Purdue University) is Robinson Chair of Preaching and Communication and Dean at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, S. Hamilton, Mass.
Publisher: Kregel
ISBN: 9780825458347
Item #: 15361
Binding: Hardback
Page Count: 288
Publication Date: 2021

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