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Surviving the Trenches - Killing Sin Before Sin Kills You

Surviving the Trenches - Killing Sin Before Sin Kills You

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Surviving the Trenches - Killing Sin Before Sin Kills You
Joe Barnard

Christian men today are unprepared for the reality and scope of spiritual warfare they face. Some go about their lives naively ignoring the power that spiritual forces like sin and Satan have in their lives. Joe Barnard has written a book to help men not only wake up to the existence of sin in their lives, but, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to tackle it head on.

This may seem like a daunting task. Although few would admit it publicly, privately many share the deep anxiety that the resources of the gospel are inadequate to deal with – not the guilt of sin – but the power of sin. Sin may look like an insurmountable problem when measured by the stature of a fallen man, but to God, sin is no more than a weed planted in sand.

Joe Barnard is the pastor of Holyrood Evangelical Church in Edinburgh and the executive director of Cross Training Ministries, a discipleship ministry focused on training men in spiritual fitness.
Publisher: Christian Focus Pub
ISBN: 9781527108578
Item #: 15757
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 4
Page Count: 136
Publication Date: 2022

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